Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Fading Memories...

This post is way overdue. Back in July, I promised that I would let you know how I fared at our Moebius Knitting Retreat on the shores of Lake George. As it gets colder and darker here, I am happy to remember those warm halcyon days of summer...

To recap: My two sisters and my s-i-l (and our non-knitting husbands, and our children, some of whom DO knit, but not moebii) gathered for a week long family reunion in Ticonderoga, NY. We stayed in a lovely house right on Lake George and it was the perfect venue for our First Annual Knitting retreat.

My sisterly patience made up for my lack of teaching skills; everyone had a moebius cast on by the end of the first full day and knit diligently ...

and happily...

and even giddily...

until they were finished!!

Follow this link for a close up of Hilary's beauty!

I have been knitting too. Slowly making my way through a shawl and ready to embark on a pair of mittens. I will try to be a better blogger. I miss all of you!

As fall arrived on Monday, so did the snow on our nearby mountains. We're waking up to crispy mornings and the urge to knit wooly things is strong ..


Anonymous said...

What a nice family retreat!! And oh - what a beautiful view of that snow capped mountain!

Will said...

Aaak, my arms! I am understanding the appeal of sleeves. That mountain is beautiful, though. :)

Anonymous said...

wow, an overdue knitting report AND the plural of moebius all in one post! Your knitting retreat looked just about perfect. I can't beleive eit is only September and I am already nostalgic for summer vacations (including other people's summer vacations).
Good to hear from you again Kathy!

Anonymous said...

Hi Kathy,

Nice to see you back! No snow up here yet, but I am sure it is on its way. Your summer in NY looks delightful.


kt said...

Lurvly knits! Looks like a good time was had by all.

I'm loving our first fall here...leaves turning and cool nights--yay for the NW!

MsAmpuTeeHee said...

That looks like so much fun! Need an extra "sister"??! ;-)
Happy Knitting!